Belle Caplis
Night of the Living
OVERALL EXCELLENCE AWARD, NY International Fringe festival
"FRINGE FESTIVAL FAVORITE... a comic horror love story that goes unusually deep, juxtaposing marital disaster with societal nightmare." - Laura Collins-Hughes, The New York Times
"CRITIC'S PICK... Caplis has impressive moments in a hugely demanding role." - Adam Feldman, Time Out New York

"Phenomenally acted... Belle Caplis is exceptionally gifted. Intriguingly, Caplis spends a good deal of time alone in some compelling moments that would have been tedious with a less accomplished actor." - Keith Paul Medelis, Theatre is Easy
"Mia circles through the many emotions one might expect of a wife and mother at the height of a zombie apocalypse. She rages at her husband one minute, and then flirts with him through a walkie-talkie the next, and Caplis shows all of these emotions with convincing determination and versatility." - Michele Debella, Stage Buddy
"Caplis does most of the heavy lifting, with a wonderful grounded presence." - Liz Richards, NYTheater Now
"The performance by Belle Caplis is so strong... she carries this show, and you are just rapt!" - Maxamoo Podcast
Balm in Gilead
OUTSTANDING ACTRESS nomination, NY Innovative Theatre Awards
WINNER: Outstanding Production of a Play, NY Innovative Theatre Awards
OUTSTANDING ENSEMBLE nomination, NY Innovative Theatre Awards
Belle Caplis and Jill Bianchini named number 3 in Show Business Magazine's TOP 11 NY PERFORMANCES IN 2010-2011 (just under Mark Rylance in Jerusalem). - Show Business Magazine

"Belle Caplis was marvelous! The way she attacked it." - Lanford Wilson, playwright of Balm in Gilead
"Astonishing in every detail and desperately authentic... In a 20 minute monologue that didn't bypass an unexpressed thought, Darlene (Caplis) narrates a time from her life in Chicago that isn't something she has the choice to go back to." - Karen Tortora-Lee The Happiest Medium
"Because of her thick Chicago accent which resonates an innocence and kindness that doesn’t belong, Darlene (Belle Caplis) easily stands out... truly special and unique." - Ben Charles, Theatre Is Easy
Unexpected Company
WINNER: BEST LEAD ACTRESS, The Strawberry Festival NYC
BEST ACTRESS nomination: Austin Comedy Short Film Festival
WINNER: BEST NEW PLAY, The Strawberry Festival NYCOFFICIAL SELECTION: BendFilm, NY Shorts Fest, Portland Film Festival, Sidewalk Film Festival, Boston International Film Festival, Burbank International Film Festival, SoHo International Film Festival, South Dakota Film Festival, Austin Comedy Short Film Festival, Pittsburgh Independent Film Festival, Pasadena International Film Festival, Albany FilmFest, Coney Island Film Festival, Glendale International Film Festival, Hoboken International Film Festival, Golden State Film Festival, Shelter X Film Fest, and Short. Sweet. Film Fest.

Garden of Delights
including Outstanding Premier Production of a Play
"The true focal point character is orphaned Miharca. Belle Caplis' erotically charged Miharca is already feeling youthful love for Lais when we meet them in the nunnery... Belle Caplis shines as a woman seeking both revenge and love in the moment. Hard to watch without feeling simultaneous pity and disgust. A great scene worth waiting for." - Larry Litt, New York Theatre Wire

"Belle Caplis delivers an energized and convincing rendering of Miharca, Lais’s friend from the orphanage who aspires to be her lover." - Dmitry Zvonkov, Stage and Cinema